About Data sharing

The CISM has setup two web services for sharing data:

  • Nextcloud, which acts as a DropBox-like service. It can be connected to the mass storage infrastructure to enable sharing of data from the mass storage servers to collaborators outside UCLouvain through protected download web links (URLs).
  • Dataverse, which is a platform that allows publishing datasets and obtain a DOI for them.

Access and conditions


Nextcloud is a tool, similar to Dropbox, that allows sharing files easily through the web. It is the most convenient way to give access to your file on the storage to colleagues who live abroad.


Dataverse is a tool to publish data in a similar way papers are published. It allows submission, review, and publication of data associated with published articles, and more generally to embrace Open Data.

Connection and file transfer


Nextcloud is accessed through the following URL: https://nextcloud.cism.ucl.ac.be. You will need to use your CISM login and password. The default storage space in Nextcloud is very small ; it is primarily dedicated to sharing files that are on the storage. To do so, you will need to configure your Nextcloud profile and enter your CISM login and password.

Once connected, click on the triangle near your login, and choose ‘Personal’. Then click on ‘External Storage’ and give the name you want it to have in your Nextcloud space, choose SFTP as protocol, and ‘Username and password’ as Authentication. Then enter storage.cism.ucl.ac.be, you home directory (which you can discover by typing pwd when you are connected to the storage server), your CISM login and password.


Once done, you will have a new folder in your Nextcloud space that lists the contents of your space on the storage servers.


From there you can use Nextcloud’s sharing facilities to exchange files with other colleagues.


The UCLouvain Dataverse website is accessed through the following URL: https://dataverse.uclouvain.be. In the login form, choose “Catholic University of Louvain” and click “Continue”.


You will then be redirected to the UCLouvain single sign on where you will enter your UCLouvain global login and password. Once you are authenticated, you will see the Dataverse home page.

Dataverse creation

Datasets are organised in groups named Dataverses. The hierarachy of dataverses follows the hierarchy of the University. The creation of a dataverse for an institute or a department must be requested by the head of the institute or department. They must first login once to https://dataverse.uclouvain.be so that their login is created, and then send an email through the “Support” link in the upper right corner, with the follwing information:

  • name of the institute or department ;
  • name of the parent institution in the case of a department ;
  • link to the logo of the department or institute, and,
  • optionally; the name of a person to which the management of the dataverse must be delegated in the case the head of the institute/department does not want to endorse that role.


The ‘Support’ link in the top right corner of the page is context-sensitive ; depending on the dataverse you are looking at, it will direct your email to the person responsible for that dataverse. Therefore, you must make sure to be in the correct dataverse when requesting the creation of a dataset (see below)

Dataset publication

Once the dataverse is created you can request the manager of the dataverse (the head of your institute/department or the delegate) permission to create a dataset. Once it is granted, you can upload and describe the dataset as explained in the Guide.

When the dataset is ready, the manager of the dataset must then publish it. At that stage, the dataset is attributed a DOI and cannot be modified anymore.

About the costs

The usage of Nextcloud is free ; as far as Dataverse is concerned, the details are available on the UCLouvain portal.